Sunday, 12 January 2020

12th of January 2020 - Surprise opening to Italy, Southern Germany and Austria

Winter Es is here!

One might say it's very early start to the Es Season 2020 but we are not counting yet. We must patiently wait until the end of April at least. ... for the actual season to start.

There's no such thing as Winter Es Season in Finland but that said it's not unusual to have Es during winter months as well. However, it's (very) rare. We cannot speak about it as an actual season since it can be just separate Es days anytime around Winter solstice or months before or after it. Anyway, with most years there isn't Es days on FM frequencies at all during the whole winter months! This time we have been lucky since this was already the second Es day for this winter: the first one was experienced in Kasnäs two weeks ago, 28th of December.

So what we had today (well, only half of the crew was listening), it was an below average level opening to both sides of the Alps. Italy on the south side and Germany on the North. Not enough intense opening to bring up low power locals so the identified stations very basically just networks. Among better catches were 88.7 Radio Millennium and 90.7 Radio Italia Uno. But like so many times before even these were relogs.